

Greek & Latin Roots

#1 Photos  
Definistion: Light
Derivative: Photograph

#2 Graph
Definition:to write or draw
Derivative: Autograph

#3 Tele
Definitionfar away, distant
Derivative: Telephone

#4 Metron
Definition: Measure   
Derivative: Geometry

#5 Tropos
Definition: turning
Derivative: tropical

#6 Philia
Definition: love, friendship
Derivative: philosopher

#7 Phobos
Definition: fear
Derivative: claustrophobia

#8 Syn
Definition: with, together
Derivative: synonym

#9 Thesis
Definition: put, place, position
Derivative: parenthesis

#10 kinesis
Definition: movement
Derivative: kinesiology

#11 phone
Definition: sound
Derivative: megaphone

#12 sonus
Definition: sound
Derivative: sonnet

#13 skopeo
Definition: see, look, consider, examine
Derivative: telescope

#14 video/visum
Definition: see
Derivative: invisible

#15 logos
Definition: word, study
Derivative: logic

#16 verbum
Definition: word
Derivative: verb

#17 nomen/nominis
Definition: name
Derivative: nominate

#18 pro
Definition: for, before, forward, in place of
Derivative: professional

#19 prae
Definition: before, in front of
Derivative: preamble

#20 ad
Definition: to, toward, near, next to
Derivative: advertise

#21 jacio, jactum
Definition: throw
Derivative: eject

#22 pono, positum
Definition: lay, put, place
Derivative: deposit

#23 cum
Definition: with, together
Derivative: community

#24 figo fixum
Definition: fix, fasten, attach
Derivative: fixture

#25 jungo junctum
Definition: join, unite, connect
Derivative: conjunction

#26 digitus
Definition- finger, toe, inch
Derivative- digit

#27 caput capitis
Definition: head
Derivative: captain

#28 manus
Definition- hand
Derivative- manuscript

#29 pes pedis
Definition- foot
Derivative- pedestrian

#30 bracchium
Definition- arm
Derivative- bracelet

#31 dens dentis
Definition- tooth
Derivative- dentist

#32 corpus corporis
Definition- body
Derivative- corpse

#33 unus
Definition- one
Derivative- unicorn

#34 duo
Definition- two
Derivative- duet

#35 tres
Definition- three
Derivative- tricycle

#36 quattuor
Definition- four
Derivative- quadrilateral

#37 quinque
Definition- five
Derivative- quinquennial

#38 sex
Definition- six
Derivative- sexennial

#39 septem
Definition- seven
Derivative- September

#40 octo
Definition- eight
Derivative- octopus

#41 novem
Definition- nine
Derivative- November

#42 decem
Definition- ten
Derivative- December

#43 centum
Definition- hundred
Derivative- century

#44 mille
Definition- thousand
Derivative- millimeter

#45 pyro
Definition- fire
Derivative- pyrotechnics

#46 ignis
Definition- fire
Derivative- ignite

#47 Vulcanus
Definition- Vulcan- Roman god of fire
Derivative- volcano

#48 hydros
Definition- water
Derivative- dehydrate

#49 aqua
Definition- water
Derivative- aquarium

#50 bonus
Definition- good
Derivative- bonus

#51 helios
Definition- sun
Derivative- helium

#52 sol
Definition- sun
Derivative- solar

#53 luna
Definition- moon
Derivative- lunatic

#54 dia
Definition- through, between, across
Derivative- diameter

#55 trans
Definition- across, over, through
Derivative- transparent

#56 geo
Definition- earth
Derivative- geology

#57 terra
Definition- land
Derivative- territory

#58 dormio dormitum
Definition- sleep
Derivative- dormant

#59 hypnos
Definition- sleep
Derivative- hypnotize

#60 annus
Definition- year
Derivative- annual

#61 lithos
Definition- stone
Derivative- lithosphere

#62 petros
Definition- rock, stone
Derivative- petrified

#63 astron
Definition- start
Derivative- astronaut

#64 stella
Definition- star
Derivative- constellation

#65 dendron
Definition- tree
Derivative- rhododendron

#66 arbor arboris
Definition- tree
Derivative- arboretum

#67 chronos
Definition- time
Derivative- synchronize

#68 tempus temporis
Definition- time
Derivative- temporary

#69 para
Definition- beside, along with
Derivative- parallel

#70 inter
Definition- between, among, amid
Derivative- international

#71 techne
Definition- art, skill
Derivative- technology

#72 ars artis
Definition- art, skill
Derivative- artist

#73 bios
Definition- life
Derivative- biology

#74 vivo victum
Definition- live
Derivative- survive

#75 mikros
Definition- small
Derivative- microscope

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